Business Continuity

Last updated: December 25, 2022

Ceyron is committed to ensuring the resilience of business operations in the event of a disaster or other occurrence that impacts the firm. Our primary objective is to safeguard our people, ensure the continued ability to serve clients, and protect physical assets. In order to fulfill our commitment, We have adopted a business continuity plan to respond to a variety of scenarios so that operations may continue without interruption.

We are prepared to respond to disruptions to office locations and data centers or services from critical dependencies due to physical attacks, regional events, weather, and pandemic-related disruptions. Governance and organizational structures are in place as a foundation and commitment to enterprise resilience. Contingency plans include response processes, communications strategy, and recovery capabilities. All subsidiaries, domestic and international, are covered. Regulatory requirements are incorporated into our plans.

We review, test, and update plans on a regular basis and continuously seeks to improve its preparedness. It should be noted that there is no contingency plan that can eliminate all risk of disruption.

Our business continuity capabilities include but are not limited to:

  • Alternate work locations and contingency data centers
  • Office locations and data centers with power and telecommunications redundancies
  • Virtualization of technology infrastructure that supports failover to contingency environments
  • Remote working capabilities equivalent to in-office including systems, telecommunications, and video conference
  • Mass communications platform to coordinate response plans to all staff and counterparties
  • Business continuity service level commitments from critical vendors
  • Principles that empower our people in response to extreme events